Women over 40 are invited to join us at St. Agnes Catholic Church in Arlington for a 2-day conference, which includes an opportunity for mass and confession.
Our Speakers:
Mary Elizabeth Sperry, author of Making Room for God: Decluttering and
the Spiritual Life: "Getting Rid of the Stuff We Don't Need Post-40"
Alejandra Segura, advocate for women's and children's rights, in particular in Latin America and Africa, and the driving force behind the "Picturing Mary: Woman, Mother, Ideal" exhibition: "What Is Your Fiat Post-40?"
Maria Suarez Hamm, past executive director of Centro Tepeyac Women's Center/Archdiocese of Washington director of Hispanic Life and Leadership Development: "Growing in Faith and Years"
Anthony DeCristofaro, Catholic blogger: "Pity, Piety, and the Pieta: A Look at Duty, Obligation, and Love"
Erin Benbennick, Virginia Storytelling Alliance: “Witness: A Tangled Skein”
$139 through June 30,
$159 through Labor Day
$175 after Labor Day.
For more information, go to www.futurewithhopewomen.com or email info@futurewithhopewomen.com.