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FIAT Summer Discernment Camp

FIAT Camp 2019 is now in the books, and was a great experience for the campers as well as staff. This year's theme was "Made for Greatness" and included talks on that theme as well as tips on prayer, directed meditations, sports tournaments and craft workshops.

Here are some comments from the campers:

  • “Something that was really special to me this week was learning to be at peace and know that God’s plan is always the best and He will reveal it to me through a deepened relationship with Him.”

  • “It has been so helpful in my discernment and every girl needs that. It’s been such a fun retreat as well, perfectly balanced, and an experience I will never forget.”

  • “By coming here, I feel my relationship with God has grown so much. This has made me feel like discerning my vocation is more of a life than a job, and God’s choice not mine.”

  • “It is so hard to describe the graces and gifts that come from this camp. I really believe you have to experience it to fully understand it.”

  • “It really just lets you slow down and think about why you’re really here on earth, and what path you’ll take to Christ.”

See some photos
 and read the Catholic Herald article about the 2019 camp.

FIAT Camp 2020 will be July 19-23. The registration lottery will open in March. To be added to the email list contact

About FIAT Camp

  • FIAT Camp is a great opportunity to explore your vocation, grow in prayer and friendship, and learn more about religious life!

  • It's five days and four nights at Mount St. Mary’s Seminary with other girls as well as the religious sisters and young women discerners who staff the camp.

  • The mornings include Mass and talks, the afternoons are sports and recreation, and evening events are a mix of spiritual and fun. There is also a pilgrimage to the Grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes.

The camp is for rising 9-12 graders.

See the FIAT Camp video

More about the FIAT Camp Lottery and Registration Process:
Due to the overwhelming popularity of FIAT Camp, registration is done by lottery. The lottery will be open for the month of March for that year's camp. Those receiving a spot in the camp will receive an email by mid-April with their registration.

Those who do not secure a spot in the original lottery will be placed on a waiting list, the order of which will also be determined by lottery.  As soon as any spots are released we will let you know in the order of the waiting list.

Due to the popularity of the camp, we ask that all participants arrive at the start (Sunday between 2:00 - 4:00 p.m.) and depart Thursday at 1:30 p.m.

We are thrilled these camps have received such a great response; at the same time, we regret that we don’t have the time or the space to accommodate more campers.

While these camps are an opportunity for young people to grow closer to God and discern their vocations, they are not the only means. If your son or daughter is exploring his or her vocation, please contact the Vocations Director and he would be happy to help in any way he can.